Football, always the same topic, personally I dislike this sport, well, I dislike to see and listen about it, but sometimes, I play “pichanga” with my friends (once a year).
In my opinion the football is very boring, 90 minutes running behind a ball… really I dislike it, besides it is offensive that this people earn so much money, when other people working very much in all their life and don’t earn not even a year of salary of a football player.
Other reason is that for the football, in Chile other sports are ignored and who plays them don’t have subvention and they should sacrifice many things for improve in their area, such as somebody should go to live others countries and pay a trainer and implements, among many others reason.
However I can’t deny that the football has some social benefit, as the happiness that it causes in the people that like it, besides it is a god activity physic and a excellent distracter when the life of peoples monotonous, as well the football foster the comradeship and it is a good moment for share, but the most important contribute of football is that help to the social intervention with poor people and improve their quality life.
Now is the football’s month for the FIFA world cup in South Africa; in all sides I listened to talk about it, but although the football bores me, I’m happy because I see many cheer people and in spite I dislike, I want that Chile win the cup...
For many, football, is boring, nothing we could do to change that. But i'm glad that you saw some good things on it. See you!
ReplyDeleteMy xanxulis¡¡¡ I loved your image jajjaj because also I dislike the football :P
ReplyDeleteIt is good picture, it shows your thinking about the football.
ReplyDeletejajajajajajajajaja!!, I loved the photo!!!, is incredible!!, I feel represent xD.
ReplyDeleteSee you!!
Football sucks!!!!!!!